exe valley federation

Exe Valley

The School Day

Morning Routine


Our school day begins at 8.45am when the gates open and parents and children are welcomed on to the playground. KS2 children are welcome to use the side gate if they are coming to school independently. Children who have attended breakfast club will be brought down to classes at 8.45am and more information about this can be found here.


Children in the foundation stage unit (nursery and reception) and Class 2 (Year 1 and Year 2) head into classes straight away and independently put their bags/coats on their pegs and head into class for morning activities. Staff are on hand for brief informal discussions on the gate or by the classroom.

Children in Class 3 (Year 3 and Year 4) and Class 4 (Year 5 and Year 6) line up in front of their classroom doors and are welcomed into school by their teacher at 8.50-8.55am. Again, staff are on hand for brief informal discussion before school starts. For more in depth discussions, please arrange a time with the school office or ask to speak to Mr. Akhurst (Head of School).

Early Morning in School - 8.45-10.30am

Children head into classes where they will take part in morning activities. This may be reading, or learning challenges set by the class teacher. The register for attendance and lunch is taken by the teacher and then submitted to the office and kitchen. The admin team will contact anyone not in school or who hasn't left a message with the office.

Once administrative duties are completed, the children commence lessons. For the younger year groups, this will be phonics and spelling sessions before core subjects and for the older year groups, they will begin their core subjects, English and maths straight away. Our early years children will enjoy the activities set our for them in The Burrow. These are all linked to key areas of learning which are tracked by the child's key worker and FSU lead teachers. 

Our lessons are underpinned by growth mindset principles, in which children learn in a classroom environment where hard work, excellent learning strategies and support from others is key to optimal development. We celebrate mistakes, thinking of them as learning opportunities and share a belief that our brains are malleable and increased effort can make all the difference. More information on growth mindset and its impact at Newton St. Cyres can be found here. 

We also host assemblies in school where we follow the Roots and Fruits Collective Worship Programme. These interactive assemblies are hosted throughout the week and children enjoy learning about Christian Values. 

Break Time - 10.30-10.50am

At 10.30am, all children head out to play. We are very lucky with the space we have including a playground for EYFS and KS1, a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) for KS1 and KS2 and a substantial field. Our nursery children also have a sheltered play area and garden linked to their building (The Burrow). Children are welcome to eat healthy snacks at breaktime and on Thursday morning, school council run a tuck-shop selling healthy fruit and snacks. The whistle blows twice at 10.50am and children line up quietly at their classrooms doors, ready to continue learning.

Mid Morning in School - 10.50-12/12.15pm

After breaktime, children continue with their core learning, either English or maths. Every class is supported by a teacher and teaching assistant/s and they are on hand to support individuals as well as leading small groups. Another benefit to our new school building is additional space across the school. Our Studio, group room and library areas all host tables and chairs for break out spaces which support small groups or quiet independent working. Our new feedback and marking policy means that books are continually looked at during lessons, with verbal feedback having an instant impact on work completed in class. 

 Lunchtime in School - 12/12.15-1.15pm

We are lucky to have a new kitchen on site and a wonderful kitchen manager called Jo Eveleigh. We have recently moved to Educatering who are providing fresh, locally sourced food and it is proving to be a big hit with the children. Children can enjoy a cooked lunch each day and can choose what they have. There are two mains (1x meat and 1x vegetarian) and there are also jacket potatoes with a choice of fillings. Our new menus can be found by clicking here. Children in reception, year 1 and year 2 qualify for free school dinners. Children are also more than welcome to bring a packed lunch from home and they can sit with their friends in the hall. Every child from nursery to year 6 sit in the hall and it's a great way to mix socially and enjoy spending time together as a whole school. 

 After children have finished their lunch, they can head outside and play on the playgrounds or the field. There is lots of play equipment for the children to enjoy including balls, skipping ropes, cricket sets, chalk and much more. Our older children often support the younger children playing games to enjoy taking on this responsibility. Lunch time ends with two whistles and children line up at their classroom doors.

 Afternoon in School - 1.15-3.20pm

 The afternoon in school is an opportunity for children to learn about the wider curriculum. We have a new rolling programme which can be found here and children thoroughly enjoy the plethora of subjects available to them. The afternoon is also an opportunity to continue developing skills from the morning and guided reading and additional phonics sessions may be held immediately after lunch.

Where possible we look to enrich our curriculum further by offering extended learning opportunities. This may be through music ensembles, visiting Lords Meadow Leisure Centre for sport or visits and visitors. We also host individual music lessons in school and currently host guitars, drums, brass and percussion. Along with all areas of our curriculum, we celebrate these greatly in school and enjoy hosting assemblies where we invite friends and family to celebrate the performance, but also the hard working journey which has led up to this point. Click here to visit our gallery and see what other areas we have been celebrating.

On Friday afternoon we host a celebration sharing assembly where classes share what they have learned during the school week. Parents and carers are welcome to join us for this assembly and it's a great way to bring the classroom to life and for parents to know what their child has been learning. A timetable for this term can be found below:

Sharing Assembly/Open Afternoon Rota -Autumn Term 2023

End of the School Day - 3.20pm

The school day ends at 3.20pm. To avoid congestion, children leave from different areas of the school.

  • Our EYFS, and KS1 children leave via the main school gates and staff will send children out, once they can see their parent/s.
  • Class 3 children leave via the main school entrance and will be accompanied by their teacher.
  • Class 4 leave via the side gate and will be accompanied by their class teacher. Some children in KS2 are welcome to walk home/come to school independently, but the school must be notified of this and a form filled in to acknowledge this request.