Class 3 - Year 3 AND 4 - TEACHING TEAM
Mr. Mik Kersey Mrs. Aishling Halford
Class 3 Teacher (Mon-Wed) Class 3 Teacher (Thur-Fri)
NSC Maths Lead Teacher
Mrs. Aneta Debska
Teaching Assistant
Class 3 is taught by Mrs Halford and Mr. Kersey, assisted by Mrs. Debska.
Home learning tasks will be set as a half-termly variety of ‘Pick and Mix’ activities based on the current topic for the children to engage in. It is suggested that they complete one each week but the children sometimes spend longer on more creative projects if needed. Cooking or construction can be very popular - with children bringing in photographs or emailing PowerPoints to us via the school office. We love sharing the childrens’ work with the class.
Weekly spellings linked to the spelling-frame website for year 3 /4 will be set on a Monday (we will also be looking at the spelling strategy as part of our English work in class). The children all have their own log-in to TT Rockstars (this can be accessed in school and at home) which really helps for rapid recall of times tables. Additionally, pupils are encouraged to read their school books and a variety of texts regularly at home.
Each half term we have a different topic. We always take a thematic and creative approach to our learning, so where possible, all our learning relates to our topic.
Useful links:

Click on the tab below to find out what class 3 are learning for this half term.
All Around The World - Topic Web
Scroll down to view photos of class 3's learning environment. Alternatively, click the link below to be directed to class 23s photo gallery, detailing all the wonderful learning this year.
Class 3 Learning Environment