exe valley federation

Exe Valley



“In a creative, caring environment, we all support and challenge each other to develop confidence and independence. As active global citizens, we are inspired to discover and succeed in lifelong learning.”


The Exe Valley Federation’s vision for education enables children to flourish in a creative and caring environment. This vision is realised by encouraging everyone to support and challenge each other to develop independence, resilience and confidence so that we can enjoy a lifetime of learning.

Our vision is that children who are safe, happy and cared for learn best and that their emotional well-being is every bit as important as their learning. Reflection, curiosity, joy, awe, wonder, resilience, creativity and spirituality are all part of our curriculum, even though they are not measurable in the same way as the formal curriculum.

Our curriculum gives everyone this opportunity and encourages learning in the broadest sense through lessons, projects, home learning, visits and visitors and using the world around us to develop skills that will last a lifetime. The curriculum comprises all the learning and experiences that each school plans for its children. The National Curriculum forms one part of the school curriculum.

The curriculum is designed to be ambitious and expects that every child will be the best that they can be, regardless of their starting points in life. We support children who do not have opportunities to experience the wider world through our teaching, visits and other activities that build a rich and diverse foundation for a secure future.

The curriculum shapes and determines what children will gain from their educational experience.  It is the substance of what is taught and is built on the progression of skills and knowledge that children will need to gain to become responsible global citizens of the future. 

 The EVF has chosen a knowledge-engaged curriculum. This means following a skills-progression curriculum model with knowledge underpinning the application of skills. The 2002 Education Act requires schools to provide a ‘balanced and broadly based curriculum’ which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children at our schools and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We intend to deliver the 2014 National Curriculum in a purposeful, engaging and creative way by providing a broad curriculum that ensures that there are enough subjects on the timetable and a balanced curriculum that ensures that each subject is given sufficient space on the timetable to deliver its distinct contribution.


SILVERTON CHURCH OF ENGLAND SCHOOL is a warm and welcoming community where Christian values permeate daily life at school. Its Christian ethos creates a secure and inclusive environment in which children are cherished and grow in confidence. As a Church of England school we were founded by the Church and continue to have strong links with the Christian community. We hold a whole school service at the end of each term, which is attended by parents and members of the community. Members of the Christian community, including our local Rector, regularly lead our collective school worship.

Our philosophy at Silverton Church of England Primary School is that we have the opportunity to open doors to the wider world for the children in our care. We encourage the children to take pride in their own achievements, and those of others, and to become valued members of their community. Our vision is that every member of our school community is called to, "Let your light shine" and enable adults and children to flourish  socially, physically, spiritually and academically.