exe valley federation

Exe Valley

Breakfast & After school Club

Our breakfast and after school clubs will only run during term time. Please contact the office if you would like any more information about our wraparound care.

Breakfast Club

We will be running breakfast club on Monday- Friday every week.

The club will be charged on a termly basis at £6.00 per day, and runs from 7.45-8.45 am, with breakfast included.

We would require payment for all sessions booked each half term, regardless of attendance. A discount is applied for those booked in for the term, and sessions booked on an adhoc basis will be charged a higher rate of £7.50.

Children from the age of 2 are able to attend.

Please contact the school office if you would be interested in your child attending.


After School Club

We are pleased to announce that we will be running our after school club, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 3:30-6pm from December 2024.

We can take children from the age of 2 on Tuesday and Friday ONLY. Thursday will be from Reception-Year 6. A snack is included in the price.

Bookings will be made termly, but only 50% of payment will be due by half term, and the other after the half term. Adhoc sessions can be booked subject to availability as per prices below. If your child already attends an extra-curricular club on these days, after school sessions can begin at 4:30pm.

We would require payment for all sessions booked each half term regardless of attendance. Please see the below table for charges.


Termly Booking charge per session per child

Adhoc booking per session per child










Payments and sessions booked will be visible on the school gateway.

